Säätiöiden post doc -pooli (“the Foundations’ Post Doc Pool”) is a grant resource set up by Finnish foundations, all members of the Association of Finnish Foundations, and intended for post-doctoral research abroad. The Pool’s aim is to make Finnish research more international by offering young scholars flexible funding from one source that covers all expenses of a research period abroad for 6 to 24 months, preferably 1 or 2 years. Säätiöiden post doc -pooli has two application rounds per year: the spring application round in January, and the autumn application round from 15 August to 15 September.

APPLICANT INFO Jan 16th 2025 at 9–10 AM online

Coordinator Seppälä tells about the grants awarded from Säätiöiden post doc -pooli, application process and answers to your questions. The info will be held in English. No signing up needed, welcome! Join us here:

The Post Doc Pool Spring Call open from January 1, 2025

The Post Doc Pool's Spring application round will be open from Jan 1 until Jan 31. Some 1.6 million euro will be given in grants.

Säätiöiden post doc -pooli (“the Foundations’ Post Doc Pool”) is a grant resource set up by Finnish foundations, all members of the Association of Finnish Foundations, and intended for post-doctoral research abroad. The Pool’s aim is to make Finnish research more international by offering young scholars flexible funding from one source that covers all expenses of a research period abroad for 6 to 24 months, preferably 1 or 2 years. Säätiöiden post doc -pooli has two application rounds per year: the spring application round in January, and the autumn application round from 15 August to 15 September.
How to apply